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↓ Current status
↓ Mobility Hub Study
↓ Short-term policy solutions
↓ Policy update
↓ Other Town initiatives
↓ Demonstration plan
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The area within a 10-minute walk of Milton GO Station is a destination for residents and visitors. The area is being transformed into our future Uptown, a complete, accessible, walkable and transit-supportive development.

Uptown, the Milton GO Station area, will host a mix of well-designed amenities, including housing, offices, stores, restaurants, transit options and places to gather. It will complement the natural and historic character of Downtown Milton.

Current status

Developing the Milton GO Station area has included a policy update and policy provisions in the Town’s new Official Plan.

In the summer of 2023, we asked residents and stakeholders to provide their input and ideas for Main Street East in text or using a map. This will be included in the feedback considered for the future design of the street’s right of way.

Input provided on priorities for Main Street East

  • Create interesting, vibrant, and friendly spaces with walkways, sitting areas and landscaping that serve people using a variety of transportation modes.
  • Prioritize public safety at crossings, public spaces, and on the road.
  • Improve connectivity and access to the GO Station from Main Street East for all modes.
  • Consider lights, public art and other enhancements, including at the train bridge.
  • Add a laneway on the north side to prioritize pedestrians.
  • Dedicated bus lane and stops up the middle. Protected bike lanes connected to the Town’s larger network. Ample sidewalks that emphasize pedestrians.
  • Better connect to the Milton Mall site from the Main Street East sidewalk.
  • Plan for an efficient mobility. Separate pedestrians, cyclists, cars and transit.
  • Consider narrow lanes, raised and coloured pavement at intersections and crossings.
  • Design accessible routes and spaces, while ensuring traffic flow is accommodated.

Mobility Hub Study

The 2020 Mobility Hub Study will guide the development of a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use destination and transportation hub for locals and visitors. Learn more in the Final Mobility Hub Study Report and contact us for a copy of the report appendices.

Here are the study’s key findings and recommendations for long-term development of Uptown:


One of the primary goals for Milton’s GO Station area is to achieve the density target, set out by the Province, for the Downtown Milton Urban Growth Centre. The study found that the area may eventually accommodate 25,114 residents (15,040 units) with 4,137 jobs.

Character and built form

The study divided the area into five precincts (Main Street East, Station Precinct, Ontario Corridor, Thompson Corridor and Transitional Area). Each precinct would have a distinct character and built form. For detailed descriptions of each precinct visit the Final Mobility Hub Study Report.

Urban greening and publicly accessible open space

The study identified opportunities for more greenery in the area to improve air quality and adapt to climate change.


The goal is to provide transportation choices for people living within walking distance of the transit hub. This will create a walkable destination that will in turn stimulate investment in facilities and services, including regional transit.


The study included a servicing report that lists sustainable urban drainage systems that could potentially be used.


The study provided recommendations for implementation including early solutions and interventions, policies and zoning updates, urban design guidelines and built for performance standards, alternative Town standards, incentives and partnerships, phasing and finance.

Short-term policy solutions

On Feb. 28, 2022, Milton Council passed policies to manage growth and development in a deliberate way around the Milton GO Station. These policies will purposefully guide the development of buildings, homes, businesses, roads, sidewalks and public spaces in the area.

Learn more about the approved policy solutions (building heights, density, land use, parking, urban design and open space).

Official Plan Amendment

On Aug. 2, 2022, a decision was made by the Regional Municipality of Halton to approve Amendment No. 70, “Milton Mobility Hub (Milton GO Major Transit Station Area)” to the Town of Milton Official Plan (OPA 70).

Zoning By-law Amendment

On Sept. 12, 2022, Milton Council passed By-law Number 089-2022 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended. This By-law amends the Town of Milton Zoning By-law No. 016-2014, as amended, and implements the recommendations from the Milton Mobility Hub Study with respect to land use, building heights and densities, parking and built form performance standards; and the policies related to Official Plan Amendment No. 70.

Policy update

The Town is currently undertaking various updates to the Uptown policy framework.

Road network

Town staff is assessing opportunities to ensure the planning and future construction of a number of roadways within the hub to support multi-modal connectivity and access. There will be an opportunity to review the proposed road improvements and provide feedback.

Parks and open space framework

As more people live, work and play around the Milton GO Station area, the parks and public realm system will expand and improve. Town staff is assessing opportunities to create an interconnected system of public spaces with features such as parks, boulevards, plazas, and trails. There will be an opportunity to review the proposed updates to the parks and open space framework and provide feedback.

Other Town initiatives

Reimagining Main Street East

Main Street East is an important and defining road within Uptown. Between Ontario Street and Thompson Road, Main Street East is characterized by commercial buildings without a direct relationship to the street; they are set behind surface parking lots, or they have large landscaped frontages. The streetscape generally lacks features such as pedestrian lighting, street furniture and sidewalk-related buildings that would contribute to a more pedestrian-friendly environment.

Main Street East will have the opportunity to become a landmark street and central focus for Uptown, with large street trees, widened sidewalks, cycling infrastructure and active building frontages. Streetscape improvements will be coordinated with right-of-way widening and before any redevelopment.

Engagement on Reimagining Main Street East, will establish the vision, principles, and components to guide the future design and reconstruction of the Main Street East corridor and illustrate our collective vision for the corridor’s right of way.

Roadway improvements

Future road network improvements in Uptown include the extension of Wilson Drive, the reconfiguration of Nipissing Road and the redevelopment of Main Street East as a mixed-use green corridor connecting the cultural district (east) to the historic downtown (west).

Demonstration plan

The Mobility Hub Study produced a Demonstration Plan to show one way that Uptown may look in about 30 years. With new development under review, this is an opportunity to visualize Uptown as a people-oriented, mixed-use, transit-supportive community. We will continue updating the Demonstration Plan as development applications are received, ensuring that this vision conforms to the recommended planning framework.

The above video is a rendering with future developments near Milton’s GO Station, Uptown.

Stay informed

We invite you to review future plans and development updates for the Milton GO Station and surrounding area. Learn more about engagement opportunities on Let’s Talk Milton.