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Omagh is a small rural village at the intersection of Britannia Rd. and Fourth Line in Milton. This assessment will identify the historical significance of the village. We want to retain the historic significance and integrate Omagh as a unique neighbourhood within the surrounding Boyne Survey Secondary Plan Area.

The purpose of the study is to:

  • Identify the qualities and characteristics influencing the village character
  • Understand what elements and qualities are important to residents
  • Review the existing Town of Milton policies, regulations and by-laws to identify opportunities to enhance and address the issues identified
  • Consider the potential environmental and transportation constraints and opportunities
  • Seek public input from residents and property owners on their vision for the community
  • Create tools to improve the management of neighbourhood character issues and heritage values related to development applications based on the findings of the assessment

Staff reports

Planning staff have prepared the report title "Omagh Village – Heritage and Character Value Assessment and Conservation Approach (PD-050-19)". The report, including Appendix B: - "Omagh Village Heritage and Character Value Assessment – Background Report", is now available on the Town's Council agenda and will be considered at the Council meeting on Monday, December 16, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers, Town Hall.

Milton Council received Staff Report PD-034-16 regarding the history of the Village of Omagh and endorsed the Terms of Reference and Work Plan on August 22, 2016.  

At the meeting, Council directed staff to consult with agencies and the public to prepare a report detailing the potential implications of a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) designation as well as recommendations regarding Official Plan and Zoning By-law changes, as necessary.

Community meetings

We’ve held two public engagement sessions to discuss and receive feedback on the study findings and preliminary staff recommendations. The meetings include a presentation by staff as well as a discussion period:

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