The Town of Milton received the Fire Underwriters Survey Rating for Superior Tanker Shuttle Service for all rural areas within 8 km by road from any of our fire stations.

What does accreditation mean for rural residents?

Many insurance companies recognize the Superior Tanker Shuttle Service Rating. If you’re located within 8 km of a fire station or a rural businesses located within 5 km of a fire station, you may receive a reduction in insurance premiums. Contact your insurance provider to see if you qualify for a rate reduction.

Superior Tanker Shuttle Service Rating

The accreditation demonstrates our ability to fight fires in rural areas quickly and effectively by providing a continuous flow of water to fire scenes far from municipal hydrants. The basic requirements for accreditation are:

  • Within five minutes of the first pumper arriving at a fire scene, firefighters must be able to pump a minimum of 900 L/min and,
  • Maintain that water flow uninterrupted for two hours

The test must be within 8 km of the fire station and must be at least 5 km from the water source where the tankers are reloaded.